, Pregnancy Tips:

,  Pregnancy Tips:

Pregnancy Unhealthy Habits During pregnancy, it is very important to take care of both the mother and the baby in the womb. During this period, women should pay special attention to their diet and activities (Pregnancy Care Tips), because this has a direct impact on the health of the child. In such a situation, it is important to stay away from unhealthy and harmful things, so that no problems arise. Gynecologist says that women should never drive after conceiving. By avoiding this, you and your children can improve your health.

Stay away from 5 things during pregnancy

don’t drink too much caffeine

Too much caffeine during pregnancy can also harm health. It reaches the stomach through the umbilical cord or placenta and can increase the heart rate of the child. In such a situation, one should not drink more than one or two cups of coffee.

Avoid unpasteurized dairy products

Calcium plays an important role in the growth of the child but it should be avoided during pregnancy. Experts say that one should never drink raw milk during pregnancy, because being unpasteurized, it may contain a bacteria called Listeria which can cause many diseases. This can also lead to a situation like abortion.

do not eat raw meat

According to gynecologists, raw or undercooked meat and eggs should not be eaten during pregnancy. This increases the risk of listeriosis and toxoplasmosis. Not only this, food poisoning can also occur. Sometimes these situations can also be fatal. Doing so can lead to miscarriage, there is a risk of serious birth defects and miscarriage in the child. In such a situation, one should avoid eating eggs and meat while pregnant. Even if you are eating, you can eat it after cooking it properly. However, for this one should talk to the doctor once.

stop smoking cigarettes

Many women smoke, which continues even during pregnancy. Experts say that this habit can reduce the weight of the child at the time of birth. Children born to women who smoke have a higher risk of learning disability than children born to women who do not smoke. Additionally, children born to women who smoke may develop smoking habits early.

do not touch alcohol

Alcohol is harmful for health. If a woman drinks alcohol during pregnancy, it has a negative impact on the development of the baby in the womb. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome. Due to fetal alcohol syndrome, the child may have low weight, learning disability and behavior problems.

Check out below Health Tools-
Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Calculate The Age Through Age Calculator

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